【五行穿衣】2025年1月19日,农历:腊月二十 · (礼拜日)穿出好运来特吉颜色指南!增添运势!今日:水日
82 2025-03-17
选自Essentialsof Vedic Astrology
Mars rulesboth the seventh and twelfth, which are both concerned with sex. If Mars isplaced in either of these houses, or the fifth or the eighth house, it wouldindicate a strongly sexual nature. Aries in the twelfth will also show anidealism connected with the spiritual side of life; you have a thirst for newexperiences connected with the taboo areas of life.
Taurus in thetwelfth house will show expenses connected with the practical areas of life.There can be passionate desires and needs. Taurus as an earth sign ruling thehouse of spiritual enlightenment indicates that you have a pragmatic approachto inner needs. Here Venus rules the auspicious fifth house and the difficulttwelfth house, but as its mooltrikona sign is Libra, it will give only goodresults wherever it is placed.
Mercury rulestwo difficult houses - the third and the twelfth, therefore it has a capacityto create problems wherever it is placed. Mental energy has to be controlledand properly focused. Gemini ruling here will can double the size of expensesand you are likely to spend to fulfil both material and spiritual needs. Themain thing to understand here is that you may still find yourself dissatisfiedas you will not be able to find moksha or your spiritual self through spending.
Cancer isruled by the Moon and it is said that the Moon does not have a dosha(affliction) of ruling difficult houses. But in practice the Moon will reflectit ownership of the twelfth house. It will create issues wherever it is placed.Cancer ruling here shows a desire to merge with the eternal forces, so therewill be a strong sense of destiny towards developing your spiritual self. Youwill also learn to give up your ego through selfless tasks.
Leo in thetwelfth house shows a need to give up your individuality but at the same timepractical considerations stop you from doing so. You could have heavy expenses.The Sun, like the Moon, is not supposed to have a dosha (affliction) in rulingthe twelfth house, but it will create some kind of issue wherever it is placed.
Virgo rulingthe twelfth house shows a person who understands their spiritual restrictionbut feels frustrated by it. Mercury has its mooltrikona in Virgo, so whereverit is placed it will give strong sattvic tendencies. You will experience losson a material level which helps you to grow on a soul level.
Venus rulesthe seventh and the twelfth houses, both of which are concerned with sex. IfVenus is placed in either of these houses or the fifth or the eighth house, itwould indicate a strongly sexual nature. Libra in the twelfth also shows abalance being worked out internally between your spiritual and material needs.
Themooltrikona sign for Mars is Aries, so the stronger influence will be from thefifth house, but it will not necessarily bring disruption. The fifth house ofromance and twelfth house of sexual pleasures are linked by Mars and if thereis a further link to the seventh and eighth houses it will show a stronglypassionate nature. Scorpio ruling the twelfth house will also show the struggleof the soul in finding its true path; you have a strong sexual nature but thesoul is reaching towards the higher self. You will be struggling with thisdilemma until you can understand and reconcile the two.
Sagittariushere shows you are moving towards your spiritual objective but are stilllearning to face karmic restrictions; there are issues which block yourprogress and as Jupiter rules two difficult houses here its placement willcreate problems.
Capricornruling the twelfth shows that Saturn is ruling both the houses of the self andself-undoing. You will need to develop an attitude of caring for others andwork at letting go of your ego. If you do not understand this part of yournature, it will cause frustration. Saturn as the teacher of lessons which helpthe soul mature can be your friend or enemy, you will have to make the choice.
Aquarius inthe twelfth shows that part of your karma is the breaking up of your personalego. Lessons in life will teach you to care for others and break away fromthinking about the individual. Saturn here controls both your expenses andearning - you may always feel restricted with your spending. Saturn can causeproblems for you wherever it is placed as it rules two difficult houses.
Pisces hereshows an inner peace; you realise that the true aim of the soul is toexperience moksha and whilst the Aries ascendant helps you to achieve on amaterial level you are always aware of a higher purpose in life. This could bea bit difficult for other people to understand. Jupiter ruling the ninth housewill give very good results wherever it is placed as Sagittarius is itsmooltrikona sign.