
佚名 118 2024-11-20









1. 确定出生年份的天干地支:可以通过查询天干地支纪年表或使用在线工具来计算。

2. 确定出生月份的天干地支:需要注意的是,这里的月份是指农历月份,可以通过查询农历月份对应的天干地支表或使用在线工具来计算。

3. 确定出生日期的天干地支:同样,这里的日期是指农历日期,可以通过查询农历日期对应的天干地支表或使用在线工具来计算。

4. 确定出生时辰的天干地支:一天分为12个时辰,每个时辰对应一个地支。可以通过查询时辰对应的天干地支表或使用在线工具来计算。




1. **获取生辰八字**:首先需要知道一个人准确的出生年、月、日、时(农历),然后用天干地支一一对应这四个时间点,得出四对天干地支,即为“八字”。


2. **分析五行属性和旺衰**:每一个天干地支都有其对应的五行属性(金、木、水、火、土)。通过分析八字中各五行的分布及相互关系,可以判断出五行在命局中的旺衰状态。

3. **十神定位与性格命运解读**:根据生辰八字确定十神(正官、偏官、正印、偏印、比肩、劫财、食神、伤官、正财、偏财),这些十神象征着不同的社会角色和性格特征,用来预测个人的性格倾向、事业成就、婚姻家庭等方面的情况。



4. **大运流年推断**:依据八字配合大运(每十年一换)和流年(每年不同),分析不同时期运势的变化,包括吉凶祸福、机遇挑战等。

5. **格局分析**:探究命局是否存在特殊的格局,如正官格、七杀格、食神制杀等,格局的好坏影响整体命运层次。

6. **综合判断**:通过对以上信息的整合分析,算命师会对求测者的各方面运势进行综合判断和预测,给出生活指导和建议。








1. **确定卦象**:根据特定的方法(如抛硬币、掷骰子等)来确定一个卦象,这个卦象由六个爻组成,每个爻要么是阳(代表硬物或正面),要么是阴(代表软物或反面)。

2. **分析卦辞**:每个卦象都有对应的卦辞,卦辞中包含了对当前情况的描述和未来可能发展的预示。

3. **考虑变爻**:在确定的卦象中,某些爻可能会发生变化,称为变爻。变爻的出现提供了更深入的分析和预测。

4. **综合判断**:结合卦象、卦辞和变爻的信息,进行综合判断,得出关于命运、事业、健康等方面的预测。









1. 提问:占卜者会提出一个具体的问题或者需要解答的事情。

2. 摇卦:通过一定的方式来抽取卦象,传统上使用的是64根蓍草或者现代的周易软件来随机生成卦象。

3. 解读卦象:根据得到的卦象,结合《周易》的文本和相关的注解,来解读卦象的含义和象征。

4. 分析吉凶:通过卦象的象征意义,分析问题的吉凶祸福,提供指导和建议。

1. Life is not a choice, but a love.

2. Leave no effort for what you love.

3. Have everything you want, let go of everything you can't get.

4. Don't give up, the sun rises after dark.

5. A gentle and pure child is the eternal Peter Pan.

6. Near the city and far from the mountains, they are all human beings.

7. People who can make you happy are worth cherishing.

8. Happiness is just a temporary cessation of desire.

9. Don't expect anyone to save you, let's go ashore together.

10. Reality is like a mountain, while I am romantic like a cloud.

11. I was not very happy yesterday, I will definitely work hard today.

12. May all the unease be a false alarm.

13. Traveling from south to north, not letting go of life, not losing direction.

14. Passing by the school flower shop, the wilderness is by the seaside.

15. The greatest peace of mind is self-discipline, gentleness, and love for oneself.

16. I will become a little brighter again.

17. Day and night, settling the past and welcoming new light.

18. I am not disappearing, I am loving life.

19. Then I wish you and I countless flowers and romance.

20. Even if the pace is small, one must move forward step by step.

The endpoint of the trial is the blooming of flowers for thousands of miles.

22. The romantic world is worth being alone.

23. May you travel through mountains and rivers, and feel that the world is worth it.

24. Let's escape, the Milky Way at dusk, not in our dreams.

25. A wrinkled life requires timely ironing.


26. I want to smuggle a lot of romance into your universe.

27. Everyone has their own moon.

28. Dare to face things that make you feel anxious.

A valley without echoes is not worth a leap.

Being loved makes one emotionally stable.

31. In the past, I have seen the sunrise rise.

32. Do not pick other people's flowers, only accompany the right person to grow up.

33. Put away your worries, hang up the moon, and have a good sleep.

Even without the moon, my heart is still bright and pure.

35. I can't bear anyone's love for the time being.

No matter how busy you are, you must capture daily happiness.

37. Love the warm things in the world, stopping at the sunset along the way.

38. May all regrets be the groundwork for surprises.

What you see is me, neither good nor bad can be refuted.

May you shine brightly in the scattered and decaying years.

41. On the road to wealth, please be sure to be healthy.

42. My days and mine will shine.

43. Meet a better version of yourself this summer.

44. The darkest road always has to be completed by oneself.

45. Expect surprises in life and a response to everything.

46. Each has a returning boat and a ferry crossing.

47. When inferiority overflows, it becomes quiet and gentle.

An interesting life is about running wild all the way.

49. Fragmented thoughts turn into years and years.

50. Gentleness and romance are hidden in goodnight.

51. I want to fly and land on the roof.

52. May the people I like be taken care of by good luck.

Always carry romantic feelings.

54. All happiness comes from the heart of life.

55. Important people should be kept clean in their hearts.

56. Idealist teenagers will never be recruited by reality.???

57. May the Milky Way roam with light all the way.

Suddenly going to bed early always represents unhappiness.

59. Due to the hassle of weeding, we will no longer plant flowers.

60. The wandering moon and dense stars arrive late.

61. It is worth showing off that love and being loved occur simultaneously.

62. Survive the low valley and the flowering period is not far away.

An ordinary and serious life will always become cute.

64. I want every ordinary day to overflow with joy.

65. Always walk towards the light.

66. There are always people who are clumsy enough to give you all the tenderness.

67. May you have a firm stance to overcome sandstorms and confusion.

68. Follow the path of the Milky Way and explore the spring and autumn of the world.

69. Now the moon is calm, and the stars are slowly shining.

70. Accumulate memories and look forward to seeing you again next time.

71. Delicate beauty is hidden everywhere in life.

72. Work hard for the life you want.

73. Compromise is not the style of a princess.

74. The past does not turn back, and the future will not settle.

75. The eyes are full of stars, and the heart is towards the distance.

76. And test the new fire with new tea, while poetry and wine take advantage of the youth.

77. There is a passion in the air, but one cannot enter the mountains and seas.

78. Days without expectations go smoothly instead.

79. Holding back both good and bad can be considered progress.

80. In all the old and faded, please shine forever.

81. To emit light, not to be illuminated.

82. Luck is something beyond plan.

83. Every day's bad mood is cleared before bedtime.

84. I feel powerless because I am on an uphill path.

85. Be happy, you are the moon on earth.

86. May time be without waves, and may the rest of life be without regrets.

87. Romance never dies, love endures forever.

88. If necessary, leave some people behind yesterday.

We will know about tomorrow the day after tomorrow.

90. In this life, cuteness and gentleness are indispensable.

91. Mountains and rivers always meet, and the next day is always in sight.

92. Start being a romantic person by loving yourself.

93. Only talk about the universe and the moon, not about human rights and wrongs.

94. I want to see all the sunset with you.

95. In the name of a traveler, I wish you peace throughout the year.

96. Imagine every sunset as surprising and brilliant.

97. I hope someone feels lucky to know me.

98. Time will melt away all sharpness.

99. Love will not cool down.

100. There is a small shop selling orange tenderness at sunset

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